Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010


+++First of all I have to apologize to all of your for going back to writing in English. But, considering I completely switched to English now, it is the easier thing for me to do, so bear with me.
I just had the urge to blog something, keep you updated on whats going on.
At my birthday I arrived in Seattle. It was quite a flight (9 hours tend to be stressfull) which I spent talking to the soldier sitting next to me. He had quite a bit of stories to tell, like how he spent the last three of his birthdays in Iraq and such. Once I landed in Seattle I went through customs and while I was waiting for my bags some officer picked me out of the crowd and asked me a lot of random questions, asked me for my passport and papers and walked off with them, adding that I should follow him as soon as I had my suitcase. I was baffled, nervous. Did I do anything wrong? What was going on? To be honest, I might have looked a little suspicious: black sweatpants, black sweater, unshaved, unwashed, overslept... just what you'd think a dangerous person would like like... or something. Might have been the mohawk, too. Whatever, I had to answer a lot of questions over and over again and they searched through my stuff, which made me feel pretty uncomfortable. In the end they let me go since I did not have anything forbidden with me nor did I have any vicious intensions. After that I now spent almost a week with the Nikiels (Scott's family) and enjoyed their company as much as the wildlife and the beautiful environment around me. Seriously, this place just makes you want to fight for Greenpeace or something, if you consider that there are places like this that got destroyed. Hm. Whatever, in two days I will continue my trip to Milwaukee.
I hope you all are doing better than your blogs make it appear... the latest entries concern me.

1 Kommentar:

Insanepony hat gesagt…

Ich hoffe du verzeihst wenn ich auf deutsch schreibe aber ich habe gerade auch keine Lust zu switchen^^.

Am Flughafen von solchen Nazivampiren rausgecasht zu werden ist natürlich echt hart. Herzlich willkommen im Polizeistaat. Vielleicht sollte man überlegen ob so eine Truppe jedesmal wenn sie jemanden rausziehen dem kein Verstoß nachzuweisen ist Geld vom Behördenkonto abknüpft. Würden ja 50$ pro Person reichen.

Dann müssten die sich wenigstens im Vorfeld mal genau überlegen was ihnen die aktuelle Terrorwarnstufe Wert ist.

Terror ist die Angst im Kopf. So gesehen ist auch Staatsterror nur bedingt die richtige Richtung.